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The Yaldaynu teachers and staff encourage frequent communication with families.  We are always available via email, phone, or to meet in person regarding any issue, large or small.   


In addition to individual communication, the school communicates with the families in a variety of ways to update families on what is happening at school:

Weekly Announcements


Every Friday, the Office sends out weekly announcements.  These announcements may include upcoming events, notices to the entire school, family life cycle events, or notices from families regarding babysitting, real estate, etc.

Classroom Updates 


The individual classes send emails to the parents highlighting activities from the week, upcoming events, and providing links to photos taken throughout the week.  Teachers work hard to document the children’s play so their families know what the children have been up to at school each week.  This year we have partnered with Remini, a secure website and app that allows teachers to share documentation, photos, and announcements with families.  Below are examples of the types of communications parents can expect to receive from their children's teachers.  

Yellow Door Reflections 
Red Door Weekly Highlights


Blue Door Communications
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